Rutger Bregman, 7 April 22

Rutger Bregman

From INDEL to today’s NADEL – Center for Development and Cooperation: Celebrate our 50th anniversary with us!

If we are serious about rethinking global cooperation, we have to challenge our current thinking and question assumptions. Our guests at NADEL 50 Years will do exactly that.

Rutger Bregman reconsiders human nature through his lens as a historian to challenge the Western notion of humankind as selfish utility maximizers. Bregman argues that if people are basically good, this implies very different strategies towards a more inclusive and equal global future.

The conversation with Rutger Bregman will be moderated by Marcy Goldberg, Zurich-based cultural commentator and lecturer in cultural and media studies.

About Rutger Bregman

(c) The Correspondent

external pageRutger Bregman is a historian and author. He has published five books on history, philosophy, and economics. His books "Humankind" (2020) and "Utopia for Realists" (2017) were both New York Times Bestsellers and have been translated in more than 40 languages.
Bregman has twice been nominated for the prestigious European Press Prize for his work at The Correspondent. He lives in Holland.

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We kindly ask you to wear a mask while seated in the Audimax.

Door opening:    16:30 CET
Event start:        17:00 CET 

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