About us

Although global poverty is on the decline, nearly a billion people still live on less than US $2 per day.

The Development Economics Group (DEC) at ETH Zurich is dedicated to empirical economics research that can inform more effective policies to reduce global poverty and inequalities. 

Whether conducting field or lab experiments, household surveys, high- level interviews, or analyzing large- scale data sets, DEC works with a diverse array of research partners worldwide.

DEC aims to equip organizations involved in sustainable and equitable development with scientifically backed recommendations to improve the well-being of marginalised populations and contribute to the achievement of the Agenda 2030.

DEC research is closely linked to the teaching and policy dialogue activities taking place at the NADEL Center for Development and Cooperation and supports the innovation and global exchange activities of ETH4D. DEC is part of the external page Development Economics Network Switzerland (DENS).  

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